
I have a few CachingURICoplets which use cl:links to set various values. The most common is a paging bar to page through data, similar to the Goooooooogle links at the bottom of the google results page. Each does something like:

<cl:link class="page" path="attributes/page"
         value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
  <xsl:value-of select="@id" />

That's an extract from one of my xslts, transforming <block> elements created by the filter transformer.

The problem is that once they are generated and cached, they only work once. This is because they get transformed to a link that looks like portal?cocoon-portal-action=1&cocoon-portal-event=0 and the cocoon-portal-action number only works for the page it's generated on.

Now could someone please check my understanding of the way this works. The link as it is stated above works because when the CopletTransformer runs in the pipeline of the specific coplet, it knows the ID of the coplet so it can set up the events properly.

How about a change: we (I :-)) create a new transformer which runs in the coplet pipeline instead of the CopletTransformer. It looks for cl:link elements which omit the coplet="CopletID" parameter, and adds the attribute, with the current coplet ID as the value. At that point, the output xml of that particular coplet is saved in the cache with the cl:link tags still in place and unconverted.

Then we can run the CopletTransformer once in the final page pipeline, and it will convert all of the cl:link tags for all coplets in the page.



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