Any chance you can post the relevent repository_user.xml snippets and an outline at least of what they map to? More than happy to help you work out what's going on =)

I have never seen divide by zero errors from OJB =(

Also, do you get the same problem if you try the query via the PersistenceBroker api instead of the JDO api?


On Apr 7, 2004, at 5:44 AM, Mike Ahlers wrote:


I am a new kid on the block and work with the OJB/JDO block. Using a database with no relations works perfectly, however when I increase complexity and use foreign keys I fail to get it working. The following error is what I get:

[] ERROR: Error while iterate Result Set for query[query: Query from class nl.hippo.nvpt.Articles where [id = 55], class descriptor: nl.hippo.nvpt.Ar
/ by zero java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

Can anybody explain why iterating over a result-set gives a div by zero?

Thanks in advance,
Mike Ahlers

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