On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 18:14, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
> Rolf Kulemann wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I set up a small cocoon app which uses the Repository interface.
> > I'm now up to a point where would use a kind of property query in order
> > to receive all resources/paths matching the query.
> > 
> > Currently the repository does not support a property "search" method.
> > 
> > IMHO this is an important feature and should be a concern of the
> > RepositoryPropertyHelper.
> > 
> > Another question is, what kind of queroes should be supported? DASL
> > queries???
> > 
> Oh, queries... well, I really appreciate your enthousiasm, but my advice 
> is not even dare to think that querying is going to be solved just by an 
> email thread. JSR170 people have been fighting over it quite a while, 
> and overall searching is _really_ a PITA.
> Besides, DASL isn't really a query language but rather a query wrapper: 
> you're free to insert whatever query language you want (DAV:basicsearch 
> being the most prominent one) inside DASL (which boils also to an HTTP 
> method + a bunch of headers).

However, the lenya community is searching for a repository interface. A
mandatory requirement for us is: Searching

Otherwise we should better rely direct on a RDBMS, instead of using a
"poor man's" repository interface.

I understand ur points. See further posts.


    Rolf Kulemann

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