I'm no wizard but I think the problem is that browsers cache the page.
The browser should request the page again when Back is pressed.

There is a HTTP1.1 header "no-cache" which should be set on the page.
I don't really know how to do that - something like
response.setHeader( "Cache-Control", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache" );

a no-store, or must-revalidate header could also be an option but I'm
not at home with those headers.

If there's a wizard around to (s)he might tell you how to set those headers
in the sitemap, xsp or flowscript (I don't know what you use - but the sitemap
is a good option I think; maybe a configuarion of the html serializer?)

Hope this is at least a pointer in the right direction,

Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:

I use session variable to save the links navigation that the user press during his permanence in my web site.
But, if the user press the back button of the navigator, my session don't update and the next link that he press appear the step that it had to undo when back button of the navigator was pressed.
do you understand me?... i hope yes.
best desires

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