Le 19 avr. 04, à 10:51, Antonio Gallardo a écrit :

...I will be glad to propose a
Groovy block that will use BSF more oriented to Groovy needs. Something
like precompiling support of classes, then if the source don't change we
will be able to run the class as a generator (as XSP do now)....

Of course, the interface with Groovy can be optimized, probably by embedding it directly instead of going through BSF, and later precompiling, etc.

OTOH, a ScriptableDatabaseComponent (or any scriptable component for that matter) could be created fairly easily based on the existing ScriptGenerator (or a refactoring of it), and once the interface of the ScriptableDatabaseComponent is defined the implementation can be optimized later on.

So for me the question is: what interface would such a component need to be useful from within Flow.


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