Ugo Cei wrote:

roy huang wrote:

 I checked CalendarGenerator today and thought about how it can be used.I was a Lotus 
Notes programmer,there's a kind of calendar view in Notes.We like to display 
meetings,arrangements(scheduling stuffs) in this kind of view.Today I check 
http://localhost:8888/samples/cal ,it looks almost the same to Notes's calendar 
view,but only month.
 That's my suggestions:
 1.provide parameter "type",the type can be:
   b.month(default,like now)
   c.two weeks
   d.week day(week without Saturday and Sunday)
   f.two day
  provide the dates before the first day of the month and the dates after the last day 
of the month if they are in the same week.
 3.provide an example to display information in the calendar view.


I think yours are sensible suggestions, but I don't think I'm going to
implement any of them any time soon, except maybe number 3. It would be
nice if you could provide some code... ;-).

Another feature might be:

4. Output an element containing the (suitably internationalized) names
of the weekdays to use as column headings.

By the way, I wasn't even aware of the ML thread you have mentioned when
I started writing the CalendarGenerator (maybe I should start monitoring
the users' list more carefully). I just needed a monthly calendar
suitable for a blog or news site, so I did "The Simplest Possible Thing
That Might Work" (TM).


I'm still in the same boat I was then (interested with no time) but I'd love to get your observations on the different ideas floated in that thread.


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