>Volker Schmitt wrote:
>> Ok, so I am not able to do a forward anymore, which doesn't
>> do a redirect?
>> So I am now missing a feature ;-)
>> Isn't it better to have a forward and a redirect?

>Hmm, don't know. What is your use case for a forward?

In our eCommerce Portal we have something like a PartnerSelection which is
needed by different modules OrderCreate/OrderStatus/Prices. So the idea was
to use one pipeline for this PartnerSelection screen. If the selection is
finished the flow will continue with the next application screen. We are
not using flow in the moment. What we have done is a forward to the
PartnerSelection and then dep. on the "requestURI" a redirect back to the
application screen.

So the use case is, using the same page from different locations in the
application without using the same URL. We also need the diffent URL's for
the same page to manage the menu correctly (highlight the current

>> Volker

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