Bruno Dumon wrote:

On Sun, 2004-04-25 at 14:54, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Bruno Dumon wrote:

I'm a bit annoyed by the current status of our flowscript API's for
CForms. I'll leave the intro for what it is and just jump right into it:

I find that this function hides too much of how a form is processed, and
stands in the way of doing more advanced stuff.

I propose that instead of Form.showForm(), we just let the user control

var form = new Form("my_form_definition.xml");
var finished = false;
while (!finished) {
  cocoon.sendPageAndWait("my-pipeline", {"form": form});
  finished = form.processSubmit();

As Chris pointed out some time ago, this way of doing things, although fully functionnal, creates an unnecessarily long chain of continuations. This can be avoided by using bookmark continuations (see the v2 JS stuff), but makes the code less trivial.

What's the problem with a long chain of continuations? I mean, the
continuation is created anyhow, does it matter where it's added in the
continuation tree? Ah, just realizing: maybe because it allows faster
expiring of continuations?

It enables back/forward navigation. IIUC only after a valid form submit the continuation is added to the continuation tree.
Maybe this can be solved with the wizard API that Sylvain proposed some month ago.

I'm not sure how we can solve multi-forms per page support though ... :-/ Any ideas?


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