Upayavira wrote:

Pier Fumagalli wrote:

On 24 Apr 2004, at 18:43, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Upayavira wrote_

Personally, I think getting CForms out in its current form is
worth a release.


IMO it's worth a release as a 2.2 since CForms are a quite a huge addition (even if not breaking compatiblity)...

Well, a stable CForms would be worth a 2.2, but for now all I'm looking for is a release that contains the woody->cforms renaming, for which 2.1.5 would be enough.

hm, as you might now, I'm actively refactoring cforms as we speak (cleaning out, adding javadocs to get us in shape for efficient bugfixing... next to some more serious refactoring to get us passed some long due feature requests) IMO just some progression towards 'stable'

the stuff I had planned for this week (have started on it in fact) was the widget-reuse/repo stuff through @extends @defines @fdns (see wikipage WoodyScratchpad)

What this means:

- this is to replace the new/class stuff, CONSEQUENCE: these changes are going to be quite incompatible (and I mean: loads more then the minor things of my recent work)

- I'ld like to proceed in babysteps so progression can be followed and discussed, and I get to have some intermediate cvs-save-points as well.
CONSEQUENCE: I'm quite sure some of these intermediate steps are going to be maybe broken here or there (I'm aiming at end of the upcoming week to be passed the bulk, needing us all maybe another week to test our use cases and fix possible stuff?)

How do we fit it into this request for a cforms specific 2.1.5?
(if possible without too much hastle on my work in progress here, I personally thought some tag like CFORMS_0_0_1 would've been enough)

other suggestions?

Marc Portier                            http://outerthought.org/
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