Hi All:
  If I user xml as data to binding cocoon forms,I must using DateConvertor to convert 
string to date like:
  <fb:value id="date"   
            path="date" >
    <fd:convertor datatype="date" >

the data may looks like:

But if the data is <date><date> it will error like:
"resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/javascript/Form.js", line 160: uncaught 
JavaScript exception: at bindingSample 
 Line 73) at (resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/javascript/Form.js, Line 160): 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Incorrect value type for "date" (expected class 
java.util.Date, got class java.lang.String.

But it works only several days ago,so I check the cvs and believe is Bruno's change in 
5.6 makes it. Here's what he said in cvs comments:

Made Convertor.convertFromString contract more solid by letting it
return a ConversionResult object (instead of null/not-null to indicate
successful conversion). This also moves the responsibility
of creating the ValidationError to the Convertor, allowing convertors
to set more specialised messages in them.

What can I do to convert an blank ("") string to Date type? Or this should be 
considered in the FormattingDateConvert.java?I believe this function is need because 
date may be blank.


Roy Huang

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