Hi all,
In cocoon forms we always use cocoon.sendPage to show after submit,like this code in registration.js under samples\forms\flow:
cocoon.sendPage("registration-success-pipeline.jx", bizdata);
and then in sitemap to display it.

But if I use redirect-to in this pipeline like:
<map:match pattern="registration-success-pipeline.jx">
<map:redirect-to uri="/samples/"/>
The page will display blank though if will redirect correctly if access directly.When the redirect-to uri is cocoon://samples/ it works and the url in browser is still like http://localhost:8888/samples/blocks/forms/2a327b45557554541d6f423c5c0b3712218e8f52.continue but this way wouldn't work under some condition. Is this a bug that not able to redirect to an http url when using sendPage?
cocoon is current cvs version.

Roy Huang

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