Le 29 avr. 04, à 16:53, Leszek Gawron a écrit :
...This is also how I do it in standard web apps. But the performance is a great
issue here. Creating 10k JavaBeans, keeping them in memory and than processing
by JXTG is very memory and time consuming....

Sounds like a use case for the (vaporware as yet) GroovySQL integration, which will allow you to write generators using syntax like shown on http://groovy.codehaus.org/sql.html (look at the "example of using Groovy SQL along with GroovyMarkup" example).

Okay, scripted generator, but the script part is minimal and it could be fairly easily precompiled.

I'm unable to work on this ATM but would be happy to give pointers if you'd like to test it.


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