Hi all

I have the following problem:
If a child widget of a repeater row submits an on-change event,
I get a ClassCastExcpetion in the Class
org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.Forms (Forms.java, Version 1.13,
cocoon-2.1.5-dev) in line 210.

line 210: submit = (ContainerWidget)submit).getWidget(stok.nextToken());

If the forms_submit_id is 'Repeater1.0.widget1', the submit variable
contains a repeater (the repeater with id 'Repeater1'). The Repeater class
is not a ContainerWidget -> a ClassCastExcpetion is thrown.

The repeater contains repeater rows. 'RepeaterRow' is a widget (extends
AbstractContainerWidget), does this not qualify the repeater itself as a


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