On 30 Apr 2004, at 08:07, Marc Portier wrote:
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 29.04.2004 19:48, Pier Fumagalli wrote:
There is a problem with the new serializers block. From the developers I seem to
be the only one having problems [1], but today this issue was also raised by two
persons on the users list [2]. Imagine what happens if this is released as it is!

I seriously suspect that it breaks because of memory leaks in JavaC
Might be.
when doing a full cocoon build, from the beginning with a lot of blocks enabled.
I tested it with only the serializers block enabled: OutOfMemoryError. While I can build Cocoon with all blocks enabled except serializers block.

same here

Something special must be about this block's sources, maybe the huge arrays.
I'm sure that if that block could be built easily if the "javac" task "fork" attribute can be set to true...
This might work for the build system, but not for Eclipse or other IDEs.

well, I just modify the project/properties in eclipse and throw away the block sources from the build path... that just works

would be nice though if we had a version of the 'eclipse-project' target that would do it for me by taking into account the local.blocks.properties (hey, was that a hint?)

Unfortunately I'm not one of the few poor "giza"(s) using Eclipse, so, got no clue of what you're talking about... :-P

Anyhow, I split up the block... The big-big OOME-generating part are the charsets, and I've simply factored them out into an ignorable subdirectory, with its own build file, generating a JAR which gets copied at compile time...

Also, to generate the charsets you mostly need J2SDK 1.4, so, it might have broken some other stuff... blablabla... Putting all into a JAR solves the problem AFAICS...

Can the Eclipsers give it a shot?


PS. "GIZA" comes from Jeremy... Spending too much time w/ that guy lately! :-P

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