Ok, so I'm really getting fed up with these build discussions, and if we don't give it a break they will continue to grow.

Some people here are not satisfied with our build system, and advocate Maven. I definately agree with the first part, and am, for technical but also for historical reasons, very much adverse to the second one.

Thus, from this point I am now taking on myself the task of restructuring our Ant buildsystem to make it seamless and easy to use and administer. In this process I will also make changes to Forrest and use extra Ant tasks from Incubator Depot.

For this I need a branch, as I don't want to break anything and in the same time I want all to see what is happening with the progress. Actually this is why I asked for switching to SVN in the first place.

So, let's all cut a deal: we move to SVN, and then I will rework the build on a branch. If someone else wants to, he can do the same with Maven or whatever on another branch. After this is done, we can have a vote and decide which buildsystem to adopt for Cocoon, and finally get over with it.


Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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