Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

The ASF board decided not to accept Steven's resigns until the PMC itself came up with a new informed decision on who should follow him.

This means that Steven remains the chair until the board ratifies it.

Here I would like to start the nominations (in no particular order):

 - Vadim Gritsenko
 - Sylvain Wallez
 - Matthew Langham
 - Gianugo Rabellino
 [- Bertrand Delacretaz]

Bertrand already rejected the nomination but I still wanted to mention him as being part of my list.

Given my participation as a board director, and as coherence with my past public and private actions, I will not accept a nomination as the Cocoon PMC chair.

If you think somebody else should be in the ballot that is not listed above, please add him/her to the list.

If you are listed and you don't want to accept the nomination, please say so.

As for the duty of the PMC chair, I think that a great chair is somebody that doesn't do much at all and makes sure to collect the feedback and pass it along to the board, or make sure that board actions are passed down to the PMC.

The PMC chair should not be doing stuff for others, it should just be the social bridge between two different communities.

Given this job description; I'll accept your nomination ;-)


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