Tony Collen wrote:
> Screenshot at:
> If nobody objects, I will commit the changes Monday, suggestions are welcome.

The top banner seems to waste space. At one stage in
the past we had it like this - with everything centred.
Then it evolved to have three columns to try to give
more space for the important content. IMO this new
banner design is a backward step.

I don't like the rounded-corners. The presentation would
be sharper without them. They also seem to be cramping
the start of the headings text.

The font style for the headings seems to be too blocky,
not as crisp as it should be.

The footer i like as it is.

Erk, i do not want to pour water on your efforts, but i was
already really happy with the original design. The only
thing that i would have changed would be to make the top
part of the page be even more compact.


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