Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 9 juin 04, à 11:24, Sylvain Wallez a écrit :

...There's a problem with Antonio's proposal: people that download the official release don't have the source control information (be it CVS or SVN), yet still have to build their own copy of Cocoon...

Not sure if I understand: the SVN release number would be included in the manifest in jar files, and people can use cvsview (or whatever the SVN equivalent is) to get at the right version of the file, isn't it?

/me kindly reminds Bertrand that Cocoon is released as source only :-)

In the distro, there's no SVN or CVS directories from where we could get the version info. So how do we get this info included in the jars with an official distro?

...So I'm more in favor of including the "what" information, which puts a small but indelibile stamp in class files (provided of course that the file hasn't been modified after its checkout)....

And this could work for your own code as well if you respect the what convention, so I agree that it is more precise. The downside is making sure this info is in every source file, we'd need a script or ant task to check I guess.

Yep. A checking task shouldn't be that difficult to write.


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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