Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Makes sense. And migrating some stuff to the env-context may help removing some dependencies on Avalon. But whe have to be very careful about what attributes we want to move from avalon-context to env-context, and be sure they will still make sense in a new container and within blocks.


The only point I'm not sure about is the object model: should it be in the env-context, since it also contains that env-context? Kind of circular dependency that may be confusing...

Yepp, that's true. I would say we leave this in the avalon
context then.

If we do that, we can't totally cut the dependency on avalon-context...

What we need actually is some kind of mini-environment that would give access only to the "safe" properties of o.a.c.e.Environment, i.e. mainly the object model and attributes, plus access to the current avalon-context attributes through type-safe getter methods.

Actually, this mini-environment is the object model. Too bad it's currently an untyped Map. Or what about creating an ObjectModel class that would be that mini-environment ?


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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