I solved it myself. I re-installed Tomcat, which seems to do the trick.
The only thing that I changed in the previous Tomcat installation was
that I added Apache Cactus to it (for testing). I know that JUnit (and
Cactus) also uses class loading, is it possible that this conflicts with
JavaFlow class loading?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bart Molenkamp 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 2:24 PM
Subject: JavaFlow working with Jetty but not with Tomcat


I want to use JavaFlow for writing my application flow. But I've got a
problem; it isn't working with Tomcat, I'm getting a black page (view
source also shows that there is really nothing). However, it is working
with Jetty (both using the same webapp of couse). How is this possible,
what is wrong?

It seems to go wrong at
(line 100): Repository.setRepository(new ClassLoaderRepository(parent));

I'm using: Cocoon 2.1.5
Tomcat 5.0.19

I've used the Jetty included with Cocoon.


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