On 28 Jun 2004, at 14:52, Stephan Coboos wrote:

Jeremy Quinn wrote:

How would I organise this differently, in the situation where I had several of these Components, each differently configured, that I wanted to be able to load in FlowScript in a similar way. Maybe we want one setup for read-only privs and another setup for read-write privs etc.

Use the ServiceSelector like for DataSources. I dont't know where documentation about this can be found, but the sources of Cocoon should contain many lines of that kind and a search on "ServiceSelector" should help.

Using a ServiceSelector, a entry in cocoon.xconf looks like:

  <component-instance class="bar.Foo" name="foo1">
     <parameter ...../>
  <component-instance class="bar.Foo" name="foo2">
     <parameter .../>

In a java class the code to retrieve the component foo1 should be something like:

ServiceSelector selector = (ServiceSelector)this.serviceManager.lookup(Foo.ROLE);
Foo foo1 = (Foo)selector.select("foo1");

Hope this few lines helps.

Thanks for this.
I had seen ServiceSelector, but was not sure how it could be used from FlowScript,

regards Jeremy


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