Ralph Goers wrote:

What do you mean by maintain?

Just compare content of the http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/tomcat/jars/ with http://archive.apache.org/dist/jakarta/tomcat-4/archive/. Maven has single 4.0 release, and single 4.1 release even now. What will it have several years from now? Nothing?

As for who will put the source in, it would be whoever puts the binary jar in - they should come in and go out together.

So your answer is "nobody" :-)
If somebody steps forward (like you, for example) and creates a repository of software cocoon release depends on, there is at least some guarantee that this repository will happen and will be complete. And if you just sit and wait when source code will be put in by corresponding team, there is no much chance this will happen at all - simply because other teams do not have reasons or motivation to do so.


At 7/1/2004  03:59 AM, you wrote:

Ralph Goers wrote:

Frankly, this is where maven would really help as all these jars would not be included with the Cocoon distribution but be coming from a central repository. It would then be just as easy to put a jar of the source in the repository as the binary jar. This would make the problem just disappear.

Just wondering - who will put sources into the maven repository and who will maintain it for 30 years?


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