Unico Hommes wrote:

Unico Hommes wrote:

I am carrying this over to dev@ so other developers can comment.

Leszek Gawron wrote:

Unico Hommes wrote:


Oh but I think I see now. The cache-key and cache-validity objects are associated with the compiled template object using template properties. The compiled template in turn is cached directly by the generator using the validity of the src of the generator. That should work.

So now how to use this feature. If I read this correctly cache-key and cache-validity attributes can be specified on an element anywhere in the xml:

<element jx:cache-key="${cacheKeyExpression}" jx:cache-validity="${cacheValidityExpression}" />

Yes it is. I am thinking about a slight change. Right now every xml node is parsed for jx:* attributes. What I would like to do is to introduce
<jx:processing instruction name="cache-key" value="${expr}"/>

Yes, I agree it would be better not to check each element for these attributes. <jx:processing-instruction/> sounds like a good option to me.

There is one other thing. The cache key that is returned by JXTemplateGenerator should be the src + jx:cache-key attribute value. Since the jx:cache-key is only a hash of the objects that are used in the template. These could, in theory, be the same as those objects used by another template. Therefore it is neccessary to also qualify the cache key with location of the template.

Shouldn't it be done automatically by cocoon? So the cocoon is always composed of view id and cache key? Why would user need to share cache-keys between views?

Leszek Gawron                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Manager                                    MobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67                              http://www.mobilebox.pl
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812                       fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65

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