Christian Mayrhuber wrote:
> >
> > The final step, converting the events to links should not 
> be done in 
> > the pipelines of your coplet but in the main pipeline 
> rendering your 
> > portal. So on each request the events are transformed into 
> new links 
> > and although the content of the coplet is cached, the links still 
> > work. The current portal demo works exactly this way.

> 1) This means if the events are generated in the coplet 
> pipelines the stuff stops working?

It only stops working if your use the caching coplet adapter.
If the content for the coplet is created each time the coplet
is displayed, it works.

> I'm asking this because I've written a custom HTMLLink -> 
> CopletJXPathEvent transformer mainly for use with the 
> ProxyTransformer and ApplicationCoplet which does excactly
> JXPathEvent event = new CopletJXPathEvent(cid, jxPath, link); 
> String uri = linkService.getLinkURI(event);
> and is called in the pipeline, because it requires specific 
> settings for some sites that are proxied.
This would only work without caching or if you would move the
transformer to the main pipeline.

> 2) I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm using the 
> bookmark feature for the first tab, but not for the other 
> ones, because these do not need to have human readable url's.
> The LinkService nevertheless generates urls's like 
> /portal/bookmark?cocoon-portal-event=0
> for the non-bookmarkable tabs.
> Can bookmarks and "standard" events be used together with the 
> tab-layout?
> As far I've read through the source the BookmarkAction does 
> not kill the
> cocoon-portal-* request parameters and they should reach the portal.
Yes, I think this should work - but I have not tested it :)

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