Gianugo Rabellino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

<snip>more discussion on xReporter</snip>

> I hear you, I'm concerned as well. Let me see if I can make you an 
> example: some of our forms require that a given requested 
> operation has 
> to be performed with some date constraints (i.e.: "same day", "not 
> earlier than", "no later than"). In some cases, also, it has 
> to be in a 
> working day where "working" can't be defined algorithmically (as in 
> "throw away sat, sun, christmas and easter") but has to rely 
> on a list 
> of valid working days which is kept on a database. In some cases, you 
> need both (ANDed or ORed). So, we have two different checks 
> to do, and 
> all their permutations (timeframe only, valid day only, timeframe and 
> valid day ANDed or ORed). As you can see, this screams 
> expressions (or 
> some other unforeseen kind of composition).
> Can you see my point and maybe provide a different solution? Keep in 
> mind though that this is just one of our convoluted usecases...

Hmm, maybe I should have included what I assumed to be a more-or-less
obvious point in my previous post about Schematron: you can always use
an XSL engine that supports extensions to call your Java functions and
use Schematron as a way to compose calls to Java functions. We in fact
have a whole set of isValidDate (etc.) type Java functions we use from

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