Jochen Kuhnle wrote:
I am working on a "ExtendedFormManager" which groups a form, several bindings and data models together. The use case is to specify e.g. a form which initializes from a "database model" with binding A and upon submit stores itself into the "database model" with binding B and additionally into a "mailto model" with binding C, thus storing and sending an email. The "ExtendedFormManager" should manage the whole thing together as painlessly as possible, it should be a Service, and should be created from a configuration file automatically when a form is needed.

One Situation is in the form template, where you get the form through a JXPath expression. Something like the following would be nice there:

<ft:form-template location="ExtendedFormManagerHelper.getForm($request, 'MyExtendedForm')">

where ExtendedFormManagerHelper.getForm is a static method that does the Service lookup and initialization.

For this to work, I need to get the ServiceManager in order to get to my ExtendedFormManager Service. According to the code (FormsPipelineConfig.createConfig), the JXPath context only has variables for continuation, request, session and parameters.
so obtain this extended form manager in flow :

var mgr = cocoon.getComponent( ExtendedFormManager.ROLE );
form.showForm( "myview", { mgr: mgr } );

There is somethink like form bookmark which stores the continuation to restart the form. So every time your form gets show a new manager is being looked up. You should release this manager after every form roundtrip (really do not know how to do it here - you might have to change Form.js).

then do it like this:
<ft:form-template location="mgr.getForm($request, 'MyExtendedForm')">


Leszek Gawron                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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