Hi Lezsek:

I will talk about my own experience. We already build 2 fairly
semi-complex forms intensive applications with CForms + JX Template
Generator. The idea is that JXG is used only for some special view
purposes. You "prepare" the data on a java class and JXT just show them.
We also use it to build reports.

I think this was the idea when JXG born. JXT was not designed as a
repleacement for velocity. In fact the problem with velocity and similars
is the mixed concerns and for this reasons JXT is so simple it gives you
all the necesary tools for the view job. JXT has inside a mix of 2
powerful language.

I think velocity stoped to be developed (as was posted in the provided
link) because it stoped to be interesting. People found another ways to
make the job done. I think mainly because XML was on the scene. But
velocity was a very nice language at the time, trying to provide HTML
dynamic building features. Currently, I saw both (velocity and freemaker)
as some kind of JSP, ASP, PHP, etc. I think we (cocoon) are beyond this
technologies while we still use them for some special cases. Note I am not
telling they are useless.

All in all, based on the cocoon nature, I think we can also create a
FreeMaker Generator and use it in Cocoon. I already don't saw the license,
we need to check them if is compatible with AL 2.0.

At the end, I am not trying to cut your wings. Innovation is always good
and I welcome new ideas. So if you feel that you need something like that,
lets try, build a new generator and show us the light! ;-)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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