Unico Hommes wrote:

Antonio Gallardo wrote:

I started to upgrade the 2.1.6-dev branch and I don't see the point to
upgrade jars there. I feel myself like doing the same work again. My last
commits were just a copy paste from the 2.2 branch:


AFAIK, the current 2.2-dev is a bug fix + minor enhancements since
So where is the point to update it? It really matter? Will we have a 2.1.6 release at all?


2.2 does contain some non-trivial changes, esp. to the environment handling IIRC.

In addition to [non-trivial] changes, 2.2 also seen lots of deprecated code removal - which is not to be done in 2.1.6.

There was a discussion [1] a few days ago about the roadmap for 2.2. I definately think there will be releases in the 2.1.x branch (at least I hope so considering the proposed roadmap for 2.2) and I definately think porting bugfixes, minor enhancements and jar upgrades to 2.1.x is a valuable thing



1. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=109136664115145&w=2


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