Thanks Carsten,

I'm not sure if I want/need to strip it down or not.  What we want is a
"normal" web site that can also display JSR-168 portlets.  We'd like a
common layout across all the pages though.  I've just started looking at
this, but it looks like most of the portlet functionality is handled by
the PortalGenerator, so it would appear that this should be fairly easy to
do.  The PortalGenerator calls a PortalManager, which I haven't really
looked at yet. I assume the PortalManager needs the portal configuration
to do its work.

We also have the case where a single webapp will be hosting multiple
portal sites. From what I can tell this should also work since the portal
configuration looks like it uses cocoon pipelines.  Here, the issue would
be how to do personalization differently.   The portal documentation says
that you can use your own persistence layer but doesn't explain how.

So again, any advice would be helpful.


Carsten Ziegeler said:

> If I understand you correctly, you want to strip down the portal
> engine and remove the unused classes?
> For using Pluto in Cocoon you need all classes in
> org.apache.cocoon.portal.pluto(.*) - this is the implementation
> required by Pluto to connect Cocoon and Pluto.
> Carsten

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