From JavaDoc:

"In order to avoid String allocation, the SAX2 interface classes had to be slightly modified with String being replaced by CharSequence.

Because of these changes RealtimeParser is not SAX2 compliant. If a SAX2 or a JAXP parser is required, you may consider using the wrapping class XMLReaderImpl (fast but allocates temporary String objects)."

Question is, how fast is the XMLReaderImpl? :)


Jon Evans wrote:

Java Addition to Default Environment

Anyone seen this? Don't know if it could be used in Cocoon. From a license point of view its LGPL.


public final class RealtimeParser
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides a real-time SAX2-like XML parser; this parser is /extremely/ fast and *does not create temporary objects* (no garbage generated and no GC interruption).

This parser is light (less than 15Kbytes compressed) and maintains a very small memory footprint while parsing (e.g. less than 16Kbytes while parsing 32Mbytes files). Typical applications include SOAP messaging, embedded/realtime systems, web servers (possibly thousands instances running concurrently), etc.




Mats Norén  |  Systems Designer
Phone: +46 (0)73 332 32 51
Curalia AB  |
Tjärhovsgatan 21, SE - 116 28 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)8-410 064 40

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