On 24 Aug 2004, at 19:07, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

How it will differ from [1]? IncludeTransformer was added recently exactly to address this problem with CIncludeTransformer. See also bug #30356.


[1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/trunk/src/blocks/scratchpad/ java/org/apache/cocoon/transformation/IncludeTransformer.java

Well, at a first glance, I'd say that the IncludeTransformer is breaking up quite a lot of rules regarding caching...

getKey always returns "IncludeTransformer" which I don't know exactly what kind of behaviour might trigger in the backend cache implementation (I'm not saying "it doesn't work", I'm saying it _might_ not work).

If I have a pipeline like the following:

 <map:match pattern="*"/>
  <map:generate src="{1}.xml"/>
  <map:transform type="include"/>

When I do a request for "foo" the key for the cache validity produced by the generator will be "file://foo.xml" (for example), if I request "bar" it'll be "file://bar.xml"...

The transformer always returns "IncludeTransformer", no question asked...

So, maybe with the current cache implementation it works, but from what I can see from the API docs, there might be a lot of cases in which you're going to get some pretty weird behaviors out of it, especially when your cache grows _a_lot_ (we have a diversity in URLs alone of approximately 150.000 entries, without counting the internal URLs, cocoon:/....) and you need to start relaying on disk to serialize/de-serialize caches and validities.


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