Ralph Goers wrote:
> 1. The old portal contains at least a minimal amount of 
> portal administration functionality. The new portal contains nothing.
Unfortunately this is true, but I'm really sure that soon
some tools for the new portal will appear and with a little
luck a real "portal tool" community will be established
improving this area.

> 2. The new portal documentation is poor. We are currently 
> trying to figure out how to heavily leverage it and there is 
> no documentation on Aspects, rendering, when and how the 
> various stylesheets are invoked and how they 
> relate to the various portal.xml files.   Currently, the only 
> way to figure 
> it out is to modify the sample portal in a piecemeal fashion 
> and see what happens - and then look at the code to figure 
> out why.  This takes a LONG time. In short, the portal 
> documentation on the web site needs to be improved to discuss 
> some of the internals (especially since there are no 
> administration tools). 
Now, let me give the "dumb open source answer" (this is not
targetted at you, Ralph). Cocoon and the portal block are
open source. So, if something is missing or not the way you
like it etc., you can change it. This is usually how open
source works: someone has an itch and starts scratching
it - perhaps over time others help scratching ;)

So, comming back to the topic at hand: yes, the docs about
the portal are not perfect and I can only hope that they
will improve over time. 
Documentation can grow in small steps: Each time someone 
finds that an information is missing in the docs, she can 
contribute a small patch with just this piece of information.
This only takes some minutes to do (ok, first you have to
find the information, but once you got it, providing the
patch is simple).
If something is unclear in the docs, ask and the docs
can be made more clear. And so on.

As more and more people are actually using the portal,
I have the hope that the docs will improve as well.


Carsten Ziegeler 
Open Source Group, S&N AG

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