This mail refers a bit to my previous thread "Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web 

I have problem with portal engine running in ear bundled with other portlet webapps 
when all libraries are on ear level. I get NPE when portlet is resolving its 
portlet-url via 

PortletURLProviderImpl.toString() ->
PortalServiceImpl.getComponentManager() ->
PortalServiceInfo.getInfo() ->
PortalInfo.getComponentManager() -> returns null !

I am using the cocoon-2.1.5 release and the code in PortalServiceImpl has changed 
since then in CVS 

from version 1.10:

    protected PortalServiceInfo getInfo() {
        PortalServiceInfo info = (PortalServiceInfo) 
        if ( info == null ) {
            info = new PortalServiceInfo();
            this.dataStore.setRequestData(this.key, info);
        return info;

to version 1.12 (CVS comment CZ: "Deprecate request data store and remove it's use in 
the portal"):

    protected PortalServiceInfo getInfo() {
        final Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest( this.context );
        PortalServiceInfo info = (PortalServiceInfo) request.getAttribute(this.key, 

I would like to know what was the reason for this change and if it would solve the 
problem I described upper. 

In that case I would like to make a patch that would make those changes applicable for 
cocoon 2.1.5 release. But the change introduced the use of feature new to 
cocoon-2.2.0-dev core -> request.getAttribute(this.key, Request.GLOBAL_SCOPE). Will it 
be feasable to backport all this functionality back to cocoon 2.1.5? Or you would 
advise another solution.

Thank you,

Michal Ďurdina
ASSET Soft, a.s. / eBussiness Solutions
Košická 56, 821 08 Bratislava SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Phone: +421-2-50703-523
Fax: +421-2-50703-444

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