On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 12:10, Stephan Michels wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Sep 2004, Rolf Kulemann wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I just tried out the Javaflow block.
> > I wonder how I can access the parameters passed from the sitemap within
> > my flow methods.
> >
> > I had a look to o.a.c.c.f.j.JavaInterpreter.callFunction(String
> > methodName, List params, Redirector redirector).
> >
> > The javadoc sais, that "params" is made available in the flow class, but
> > this method(callFunction) never accesses the params variable or passes
> > it to wherever. So I guess it is not possible atm to access the
> > variables passed from the sitemap ala cocoon.parameters or similiar?
> >
> > E.g. getParameter(String name) would be cool in the class
> > AbstractContinuable.
> I thought that I already implemented it. Have you looked int the current

No I used 2.1.5 and it was no option for me to use the trunk. But good
to know anyway. 


> > Is the javaflow block not developed anymore? What is the state of it ?
> Hmm, yes, I must admit that I have a burnout syndrom from webapps. Im so
> sick of it ;-)

He, I can understand that.

> I only continued the work of Torsten and the brakes peoples, and don't
> wanted to start a new oneman show. The project needs some fresh blood to
> keep alive.

Lets have a look to the trunk...

Rolf Kulemann

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