PS: tested this against in 2.1.5 and 2.1 trunk, same behaviour.

Jorg Heymans wrote:

Bringing this over from user@ , this is just too unlogical for me.

Say formbean has a Collection called "smallbeans" of "smallbean" objects
and i want to have a repeater for this.

then the binding looks like
<fb:repeater id="myrepeater" parent-path="." row-path="smallbeans"> has getSmallbeans() and setSmallbeans().

When loading this repeater, getSmallbeans() gets called n+1 times, where n is the number of elements in the collection. Now lets say that the repeater is populated from a fairly heave database query that returns around 100 entries - you get the picture :)

Is this a normal repeater feature? Shouldn't it be enough for the repeater to call the method only once as it returns the whole collection anyway?

Thoughts? Jorg Heymans

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