Pier Fumagalli wrote:

On 27 Sep 2004, at 23:49, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Pier Fumagalli wrote:

Then we could re-create the request by something like:
<incl:include src="proto://whatever">
  <incl:param name="parameterName">value</incl:param>

Well, if the only thing which troubles you is request, then you can easily do this now with simple:

  <i:include src="cocoon://pipeline?param=value"/>

And be done with it. You won't need any changes in IncludeTransformer at all.

The only problem with it is the encoding of the URL, which I shall do in XSLT, somehow...

Parameters that might contain "weird" characters like "&" or "=" could be troublesome, while if explicitly included in elements, it would make our life easier...

Go ahead, add parameters. We still need to re-create CInclude functionality in order to deprecate it. But, it won't solve caching issue mentioned - I guess I'll tackle it later. JFYI, that's how it looks in CInclude:

     <!-- The following are optional parameters appended to the URI -->
             <cinclude:name>a name</cinclude:name>
             <cinclude:value>a value</cinclude:value>
         <!-- more can follow -->

A bit too verbose... I'd go with your's:

  <i:parameter name="name">value</i:parameter>


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