JD Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hmmm....
> I have been rolling this around in my head for the last few 
> days. Here 
> is some of my thoughts:
> 1.) Separation of concerns.. I am not sure that a cocoon component 
> really needs to built... what is wrong with having an app with two 
> contexts? ie:
>                          http://domain/laszlo/app1
> which would get datsets etc from:
>                          http://domain/cocoon/somepipline(s)
> although I am of course noticing there is quite a bit of jar 
> duplication 
> between the two.

You're missing the point: I don't want a single app, I want many apps
all generated on an as needed basis.  It's not "app1" but "appN" where N
varies from 1 to 2000 and I need 2000 different laszlo lzx files that
can change on a minute by minute basis.

> 2.) CForms.. I have just gotten a grip on, and subsequently 
> addicted to, 
> cforms and flow with POJOs. Can the laszlo form objects be bound to 
> widgets? ( I could just be dumb in this regard... insight is 
> appreciated) Looks to me that to use cforms, we would have have to 
> generate the app for each request.. to create repeaters and such.
I've been wondering about this a bit myself.  You'd likely need to have
a deeper understanding within the Laszlo components themselves as to
what a repeater or dynamic sections looks like.  These new components
would essentially duplicate some of the logic of the current back end,
binding would be in effect a concern of the Laszlo components in some

> I am not against anything at all... I am really weak on cocoon 
> internals, but I am very excited by the idea of laszlo apps :)

:) indeed
<snip>repeat of the above first point</snip> 

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