We really gotta start thinking about our build system and gump integration.

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Unico Hommes wrote:

I've completed the changes to the build system discussed earlier [1]. In order to do so I have extended the gump descriptor with additional information that allows the build system to locate one or more dependency jars per <depend> project within ./lib/optional. See for an example the cocoon-block-axis project definition in gump.xml

Every block now *must* declare all the dependencies it requires to compile in gump.xml just in order for it to build properly.

Since I am not very familiar with gump.xml and I had to add a lot of information it is very probable that I made a mistake or two with the way local projects are declared.

I thought you'll add <libary/> element which would be independent of <depend/> element and thus avoid any possible conflicts with Gump. But now I see that you'd added bunch of new <depend/> elements - which are not currently required by Gump - I don't think we should do that.

I'd sleep better if instead of:

+    <depend project="db-ojb"/>
+    <depend project="antlr"/>
+    <depend project="commons-dbcp"/>
+    <depend project="commons-pool"/>

We'd have:

+    <library project="db-ojb"/>
+    <library project="antlr"/>
+    <library project="commons-dbcp"/>
+    <library project="commons-pool"/>

this will make our descriptor being invalid, but since I control the DTDs we can change that on the other hand.

but there is something that bothers me: the above really doesn't make any sense. What would be a lot more useful would be something like

 <depend project="antlr" version="1.0"/>


 <depend project="antlr" timestamp="20040349"/>


 <depend project="antlr" tag="V1_0_RELEASE"/>

then it would be up to gump to give you the version you want (and we might indicate what versions we expose in our gump.xml description).



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