David Crossley wrote:
> Upayavira wrote:
> > David Crossley wrote:
> >
> > >The docs aspect needs lots of consideration. If Cocoon wants to
> > >continue using Forrest, then we would like help to implement
> > >our plans for the Forrestbot and staging server for reviewing
> > >docs prior to publication.
> > >
> > >We had a huge discussion on this at infrastructure.at.a.o a few
> > >months ago. That needs to be summarised and brought into the open.
> >
> > I think this is the sort of thing I was referring to. If we can clarify 
> > what we have in mind, and get a number of us behind it, then I could see 
> > it as being possible.
> > 
> > But there's a lot to clarify/understand. Would you be willing to explain 
> > here what you had in mind for your Forrestbot setup? Presumably this 
> > setup would still use CVS/SVN as the versioning system for the actual 
> > xdoc files?
> Yes it does.
> Well i will try. It is a big task. Did anyone see the
> infrastructure@ discussion to which i refer. It was not
> just about "forrestbot", rather the whole situation of
> publishing of documentation at Apache. There are
> so many aspects: oversight of content, staging, workflow,
> recoverability, quick turnaround, secure access,
> Forrestbot, Lenya, Doco, ...
> The thread finished with the feeling that we had solutions,
> just in need of implementation.
> Anyway, going off to dig through mail archives again ...

... back to the surface.

I have summarised that previous discussion from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and built two proposal documents.
These are at the Forrest website.

Draft: Proposal for ASF-wide documentation staging and publishing
This draws together various past discussions to address
the diverse issues with documentation publishing at apache.org

Draft: Proposal for ASF-wide Forrestbot
This shows the Forrestbot role.

How Forrest can help the Cocoon publishing situation
should be evident from those proposals.

I am going to continue the previous discussions on the
Infrastructure mailing list. Any Apache committers can
join in to help.

David Crossley

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