Luigi Bai wrote:

If you have ideas on how to make it better, we are wide open to suggestions.

Okay, assuming your sincerity - what is the current method for committers to find/fix/close issues in Bugzilla?

there is no codified method. Basically, one those patches/fixes/bugs that are promoted by somebody that really cares (and really keeps bugging us) get in. The others remain in a limbo until somebody cares.

Are votes used, or longest time open, number of comments?

we have cronned script that sends a list of unapplied patches to the mail list every sunday. it was a nice try but if everybody skips over it the way I do, it's pretty much useless.

currently, we have no way to "rank" the most important issues. I agree that would be a great addition. Something like "vote your issue" would go a long way to identify what things we can work on.

How often are these criteria applied (periodically, only FirstFriday, only before release)?

Knowing these, we can figure out a way to improve the system, or the users's expectations (or both!).

We tried to improve the system with FirstFriday. It was a nice try but I think it's not keeping up with the expectations.

The "bugathon" worked well for the past 2 years, but we need something more continous.

I like your suggestion of improving the 'ranking' of the pending issues, so that one doesn't feel overwhelmed without an indication of importance.

Of course, on the other hand, every ranking methodology might hide some of the issues even more.


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