Le 26 oct. 04, à 22:56, Frédéric Glorieux a écrit :

...T2. Build an index with Lucene, triggered via SVN post-commit hooks, uses a live Cocoon instance to generate an easy to index XML document for Lucene. Include metadata fields as mentioned in G2 above, generated from (enhanced as compared to now) document content

I'm working on that (nto enough), it seems to me only a consequence of upper.,,,

Great! So we might be able to use your stuff IIRC.

...For delete, a hook from SVN is needed.

Right, gotta check if SVN provides this.

...T5. Put mod_cache in front to minimize server load (HTTP POST can be used to invalidate pages if quick updates are needed to check edits).

You give me the trick for something that I was asking to Sylvain, a kind of pure cocoon mod_cache with <map:act type="copy-source"/>


Why pure Cocoon? mod_cache works so well.


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