Jorg Heymans dijo:
> Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
>> Jorg Heymans wrote:
>>> First of all, thanks Luigi for bringing up something that has been on
>>> my mind for a long time! Cocoon's patch queue is nothing to be proud
>>> of to be honest, both in size and age.
>>> The only way to get an overworked committer off the hook in the long
>>> run is to guide and nurture people who are willing to provide patches.
>>> And this is not about sending automated emails, bugzilla voting or
>>> anything else, it's all about guiding that person until the patch gets
>>> applied or rejected. This can be done by reviewing it, commenting on
>>> it or improving it.
>>> How about assigning a queue-walker who's sole task is to review
>>> incoming patches ?
>> Thanks for volunteering! I hope with your help we will have more and
>> better patches :-D
> Nice one :) I actually thought this would be more something for an
> overworked committer who would like to take it easy for a while.
> But i'll see what i can do, point taken ;)

You are welcome!  ;-)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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