After some time I found some questions we could ask. I added them below.

If nobody has any objections to the text below I will make two Bugzilla
entries on Monday: one as sample entry and one as a request to update the
Livesites directions with the information below.

Bye, Helma

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, 22 October, 2004 13:06
> Subject: RE: Questions to be answered for link request - V2
> Good comments by Bertrand and David, so I'll integrate them 
> in the original text to get a better idea of the end result.
> ---------------
> How to get listed
> If you do not find your site here, make sure you tell us. 
> Please follow the instructions below, or we will not be able 
> to honor your request. 
> - Create an entry in Bugzilla following these instructions. 
> You will find an example here [[link to sample entry]]:
> - select the usual options for submitting a patch.
> - Enter a summary like this: [Link] NameOfYourSite
> - In the comments, please answer the following questions:
> URL of the website:

If the website is actually an intranet, can you provide some screenshots?

> Title of the website (to be used on the Livesites page):

Note: add '(intranet)' to the title if necessary.

> Cocoon version used:
> Short summary of your site:
> How can we verify this site is actually built with Cocoon?
> If you agree, answering the following questions helps 
> potential Cocoon users to find references that are similar to 
> their needs. But there's no obligation if you don't want to 
> disclose that kind of information.
> - How much time did it take to build the site from design to publish?
> - How many people were involved in the project?
> - How much traffic does the site handle?
> - What made you choose Cocoon to build the site?
> - What other information do you want to disclose (e.g. how 
> does it work, how did you build it, what parts of Cocoon did you use)?

- Can you provide a contact email address if people want further

- If you have already provided the same/a similar link for the Livesites
pages, please state it here and indicate if this link should be replaced
with the above information or if it should be kept as well.

> Thank you for helping spread the word about Cocoon!
> --
> Bye, Helma

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