On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 15:43:37 +0100, Ugo Cei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Il giorno 02/nov/04, alle 15:29, Jorg Heymans ha scritto:
> > Is there a reason why we have our own multipart parser instead of
> > using commons-fileupload? This has come up already about 1.5 years ago
> > [1].
> Maybe when the multipart parser was invented, commons-fileupload wasn't
> yet there, or maybe it wasn't known or it was just a case of NIH
> syndrome. Anyway, if we can get the same functionality with
> commons-upload, let's drop this other reinvented wheel. +1 if you
> volunteer to do it.

Commons fileupload was spun off from Turbine in March of 2002.  At the
time we relied on MaybeUpload.  This was refactored here in late 2002
and again in early 2003
and the dependency was removed.

Interestingly, the archive link above is Stefano responding to another
inquiry about commons upload.

This is a good discussion to have - see my responses in the other rfc thread.


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