Sylvain Wallez wrote: 
It seems to me that this is the right approach - there is no
different from the user pov in using vpc or usual components,
which is great! So: +1

Only one question:
> The last source-resolving problem is related to URIs that may 
> be present in the SAX stream, e.g. XInclude URIs. What are 
> they relative to?
Hmm, aren't they always relative to the sitemap where the
component is used?

> My feeling here is that we need to distinguish for a single 
> VPC the base URI used to resolve URIs within the setup phase 
> (i.e. "src" and
> <map:parameter>) and the base URI used to resolve URIs during 
> the processing phase.
> That could be achieved using an additional attribute on the 
> component declaration, i.e. in the above example something like
> <map:generator name="foo" stream-uris-base="local|caller">
I have the feeling that we don't need this as such uris are always
resolved relative to the current sitemap. If you are building
a pipeline, you don't have to know where the vpc is defined.
So, you build your "content" or your sax streams based on the
information (location) you definitly know: the location of the
"current" sitemap.


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