Le 23 nov. 04, à 06:42, David Crossley a écrit :

David Crossley wrote:
Upayavira wrote:
Also, when I did run Forrest, I really had to dig to find the generated pages, whereas I would have expected them to have been generated "in place", i.e. into the place from which I'd commit them directly to SVN...

I'm with David here (i.e. generating in build/site as now) - if you generate directly into the final tree I think it's much harder to find out which files must be *deleted* from the final destination.

Generating somewhere else allows you to compare lists of files to find out what must be removed, e.g.

find /final-site-dir -type f | sort > /tmp/f1
find /generated-stuff -type f | sort > /tmp/f2
diff /tmp/f1 /tmp/f2

Of course there are other ways, but I think this is practical.


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