
first of all, many thanks for moving this forward.

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

After releasing Cocoon 2.1.6 it's time to plan our future. A few month ago we
updated our roadmap in SVN. According to this we agreed that 2.2 is a
consolidated version of 2.1.

So what are the changes and what's their current status?
(based on xdocs/plan/roadmap.xml)

 - stable Cocoon Forms
   the status is summarizes by Sylvain[1]

I need to invest more time into this...

 - Virtual Sitemap Components
   Vadim started with the implementation

You have also to consider my "multi-relative" sourceresolving RT (

 - inheritable views
   don't know the status (I think Carsten is/was working on it)

Inheritable views should come as a fee bonus with VSCs, as views can simply be turned into virtual serializers.


 - deprecate XSP
   to be done (needs an alternative)

Deprecate? It's not mainstream, but used a lot in many places. The risk if XSPs are deprecated and then removed is that people will start using JSPGenerator to write quickly some custom generator, which IMO would be a very bad thing.

Yep, same feeling here.

   Daniel, are you working on a JXTG 2.0?

 - Cleaning up the caching/store mess
   don't know, does it work now as it should?

- separate blocks from Core
that's my job: I'm working on a block-builder and a block-deployer
that will make this separation possible and will give us the chance
of a smooth transition from our current monolytic system to a decentral
blocks orientated system:

* every block get's a descriptor containing all meta information like
author, license, status, block references and library references
--> should as close as possible to the needs of RealBlocks
* enhance jars.xml to become a repository (only needs an id attribute
for all entries so they can be references and looked up)
* setup the new block centric build system parallel to the existing one
* when everything works fine and a vote is passed,
the old build system will be removed
* move blocks into [svn]/cocoon/blocks --> blocks are independant units
with their own lifecycle

I hadn't had a chance yet to look at your job, but had some random thoughts about an easier handling of blocks, buy simply allowing cocoon.roles and cocoon.xconf to be split in several smaller files:
- the role manager could search all "cocoon.roles" files present in the classpath to build the main role manager
- the root component manager could assemble all *.xconf files present in WEB-INF.

That way, a "block" (better named a "module") would be composed of a xxx.jar containing a cocoon.roles snippet, and a xxx.xcconf configuring that block's component definition. Adding/removing a module from Cocoon would then simply a matter of moving around these two files.

yes, a great first step thing would be to remove the need for the xconfpatch ant task.

 - reduce Cocoon core to a minimum
   to be done

 - versioning guide
   done for Ccooon core; needs enhancements because of the more
   independant blocks and their own lifecycles

- rethink our distribution policy
with the new block building system we can distribute Cocoon as binary again;
we have to decide which blocks are part of an official Cocoon distribution

if the deployment is easy enough, I would say none :-)

 - new documentation system
   consider the efforts on users list and restructure the docs;
   separation of blocks also requires splitting up the docs

Could people knowing more about those points give some feedback?
Anything else open for 2.2?

See my next RT.

So let's talk about a schedule ...
Many things are already done. Open issues that may take longer are:

 - VirtualSitemapCompoents
 - stabelize cForms
 - new block building and deploying mechanism (+ transition see above)
 - docs
 - clean up

The first three tasks have to be done before we can release a contract-stable
Cocoon 2.2 beta1. I plan to have implemented deployer and builder by the end of
January. Then we could release a beta1 in February ;-) Is this a realistic
timeframe for others, especially those who work on cForms (Sylvain, Tim) and
virtualComponents (Vadim)?

Cocoon 2.3
To make it short: I want Cocoon 2.3 be based on whiteboard/kernel. AFAIK the
implementation of kernel is stable and "only" needs to be merged with ECM.

Are there any reasons not to make Pier's kernel the official base of Cocoon 2.3? If not, Pier should have the "permission" to move its kernel into an offical 2.3 directory in our SVN whenever he thinks it's time for it. (... I prepare a vote after the discussion)

If the kernel is stable, should it really be 2.3 or can it be 2.2?

my suggestion would be: leave the kernel out and let's keep working on allowing us to deploy and ship the blocks in binary format.

classloading isolation will happen later, when the need will be impossible for people to avoid ;-)

Cocoon 2.1
As being said, we expect further patch rleases (2.1.7 and 2.1.8), especially after cForms has become stable.

release date of 2.1.7 (with or without a stable cForms block): February 2005?

Maybe earlier?



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