On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 16:02:40 -0800, Roy G. Biv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Hunsberger wrote:
> >We've brought Cocoon up under JBoss 4 and it behaves a litte
> >strangely.  Haven't figured out exactly what is going on but it
> >appears that -- with no other configuration changes being made --
> >Sitemap serializers must now have all elements declared (eg.
> >doctype-public, doctype-private, encoding, etc.).  It's as though some
> >DTD or Schema was saying everything is mandatory.  I know the Sitemap
> >doesn't declare a DTD or schema directly so I can't understand why
> >this would suddenly show up...
> >
> That's a shame.  I could see a future where one drops an .ejb3 file into
> the deploy directory and then immediately starts using the object in
> flow without a restart or extra deployment descriptor/mapping file hassles.
> >I'd be interested to hear if othes also run into this and what the
> >cause might be.
> >
> As would I.

A bit of an update: it turns out that JBoss 4 ships with a slightly
different version of Avalon-framework.jar than Cocoon does.  If you
remove it everything goes back to working as it previously did.  I
guess it's configured in some strange manner or has a bug?  Don't
really have any reason to look further at the moment....

Peter Hunsberger

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