Hi All

A little problem I cannot solve ...... and I cannot find any samples tat do this ......

Part of a form I am working on has a couple of menus.

The menu called 'group' is a list of folders grabbed dynamically from the filesystem by the flowscript that calls the form.
The menu called 'cid' is set to a list of the files in the folder chosen in "group".

<fd:field id="group" required="true">
. . .
<fd:selection-list type="flow-jxpath" list-path="groups" value-path="value" label-path="label" />
var value = event.source.value;
var cid = event.source.lookupWidget("../cid");
if (value != null) {
cid.setSelectionList(getComponentFiles(viewData.components, value), "value", "label");
} else {
cid.setSelectionList(new Packages.org.apache.cocoon.forms.datatype.EmptySelectionList("..."));

The function getComponentFiles needs the 'components' parameter, which is the location of the base components folder. It needs to be passed from a SiteMap parameter, so I have added it to the bizData:

form.showForm(screen, {groups:getComponentGroups(components), components:components});

I am getting errors similar to this when the form attempts to load:

        ReferenceError: "viewData" is not defined

I have used the "viewData" value in projects before, in earlier versions of CForms.

I have tried several variations, but cannot work out the correct way of getting the bizdata.


If I make 'components' a global JS variable instead of passing it as bizData, I can access it fine, but I would prefer not to work that way ;)

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any suggestions.

regards Jeremy


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