Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

After working a lot with cForms the last week I was fed up by looking at the resources directory and always having a sense of staring at a big mess. I moved all images, css and js into their own directories. Unfortunatly this broke templates that reference images directly. As cForms are not stable I wouldn't care about this (it won't be the last thing that changes until we mark cForms as stable) and simply add a release note but if others think different, I could add an additional pipeline for gifs.

As the number of resources is growing, it is good to organize them and creating subdirectories is ok. However, we must keep them under a single root resource dir to allow a simple <map:read> to serve any of these resources.

I agree

Too often I see sitemaps having a myriad of simple match/read for *.gif, *.jpeg, *.js, *.css, etc when a simple <match pattern="resources/**"> would do the job.

Also, now that these resources have stabilized, we may move them into the cform's jar, in order to avoid copy/pasting them in every project. The resources pipeline would then become:

<map:match pattern="form-rsrc/**">
 <map:read src="resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/resources/{1}"/>


This is good for our users who don't have to copy around things and upgrading between Cocoon releases should become easier for them.
For developers working on e.g. the stylesheets this only requires one change so that map:read points directly to their SVN source tree.

Yes. Or you can also, as I sometimes to, use the ParanoidCocoonServlet with a classpath set to Eclipse's build directory (build/eclipse/classes) where resources are automatically copied.

That avoids modifying the the sitemap to read in the source tree, which will also avoid use to inadvertently commit it :-)

Another question: currently all XSLTs are in the base directory of resources. As we only support HTML at the moment, this is not a problem. But where do we put e.g. a XUL stylesheet so that we don't end up in a big mess?

I propose



Sounds good.

For the record, I initially added stylesheets in the resources dir along with client-side files in order to allow the XSLs to be transmitted to XSL-aware browsers. Now I never actually tested that browsers could effectively run these stylesheets...


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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